Rewards Program
How It Works:
Earn Points for Every Dollar You Spend
For every $1 spent, you’ll earn 1 point.
Redeem for Rewards
Use your points to unlock discounts and special offers.
Enjoy Exclusive Perks
Members receive early access to collections, special discounts, and more.
100 Points
$10 off your next purchase
250 Points
$25 off or a free pair of earrings (your choice!)
500 Points
$50 off or a custom-made sterling silver ring.
Rewards Tiers
Welcome Bonus
Earn 50 points just for signing up.
Refer a Friend
Receive 50 points when your friend makes their first purchase. (They get $5 off!)
Double Points Days
Watch for special events where you can earn twice the points!
Extra Ways to Earn
My handcrafted jewelry is made with love & care, and I believe my loyal customers deserve something extra. From discounts to exclusive access and personalized perks, this program is my way of saying thank you.
Why Join
Sign up now and make your next purchase even more rewarding!